Everything Everything Nicola Yoon 9780553496642 Books

Everything Everything Nicola Yoon 9780553496642 Books
So good, I couldn't put it down! I saw the twist coming, but I'm still really glad it ended that way. I haven't read anything like this before and I LOVED it! I can't wait to see what Nicola Yoon comes out with next. It'll be an autobuy from me.
Tags : Everything, Everything [Nicola Yoon] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b><b>The instant #1 New York Times</i> bestseller--now a major motion picture starring Amandla Stenberg as Maddy and Nick Robinson as Olly. </b> <b>Risk everything . . . for love. </b>What if you couldn’t touch anything in the outside world? Never breathe in the fresh air,Nicola Yoon,Everything, Everything,Delacorte Press,0553496646,Health & Daily Living - Diseases, Illnesses & Injuries,Romance - General,Allergy,Friendship,Friendship;Fiction.,Love,Love stories,Love;Fiction.,Racially mixed people,Severe combined immunodeficiency;Fiction.,Children's Teenage fiction & true stories,Children's BooksAll Ages,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction-Romance,Imagination & Play,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Social Themes - Friendship,Social Themes - New Experience,TEEN'S FICTION - GENERAL,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Health & Daily Living Diseases, Illnesses & Injuries,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Friendship,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes New Experience,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Friendship,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - New Experience,teen books; books for teens; young adult books; ya books; books for teen girls; teen girl books; teen fiction books; books for teens 12-16 girls; tween books for girls ages 11-14; teen romance books; young adult romance; books for 12 year old girls; books for 13 year old girls; teen books for girls ages 11-14; books for young adults girls; books for young adults; young adult books for girls; best teen books; board games for teens; books for 14 year old girls; romance; friendship; realistic fiction,teen books;books for teens;young adult books;ya books;books for teen girls;teen girl books;teen fiction books;books for teens 12-16 girls;tween books for girls ages 11-14;teen romance books;young adult romance;teen books for girls ages 11-14;books for young adults girls;books for young adults;young adult books for girls;best teen books;board games for teens;books for 14 year old girls;romance;books for 12 year old girls;friendship;books for 13 year old girls;realistic fiction,Imagination & Play,Social Themes - Friendship,Social Themes - New Experience,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Health & Daily Living Diseases, Illnesses & Injuries,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Friendship,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes New Experience,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Friendship,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - New Experience,Children's BooksAll Ages,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Children's Teenage fiction & true stories
Everything Everything Nicola Yoon 9780553496642 Books Reviews
I ate this book up. I’m not sure how I can describe how great this book was for me. I definitely wasn’t expecting on reading it in a day. It was that good.
Maddy was an amazing main character. I love her positive outlook on life, despite her illness and the fact that she’s never been outside of her house. She’s so smart and witty. One of my favorite things that she does is every time she gets a new book, she writes a list of rewards if found. My favorite Snorkel with me (Madeline) off Molokini to spot the Hawaiian state fish — the humuhumunukunukuapuaa.
I enjoyed her relationship with all of the characters. Olly is the cutest and smartest love interest I’ve seen in a while. I like that he wasn’t just a cute boy-toy figure in the book, but was given a very important story to tell. It was something I could relate to at some points and it helped Olly become an even more relatable character for me. He cared for Maddy and her well-being so much. You could say there was insta-love, but given their age and Maddy’s circumstance, I really believe that they were really in love with each other…or at least what they thought was love. So for me, their romance didn’t bother me. I really enjoyed it and at times wish I had an Olly. 😉
Though I am clearly a huge fan of Olly, my favorite character relationship was Maddy and Carla, her nurse. Carla seemed more of a mother figure to Maddy to me than Maddy’s own mother. She understands that Maddy is an eighteen-year old girl who wants to do things that other people her age are doing. Some of my favorite parts of the novel were their scenes together. She was such a wonderful contribution to the novel.
The only issue that I have with this book is the last third of it felt extremely rushed. I wouldn’t have mind having the book be 50 or so pages longer so the finale could develop and play out more. Though I figured out the ending half way through reading, I still would have liked to see more.
With that said, I still very much enjoyed it. Yoon’s writing is so beautiful and intoxicating. She knows how to suck you into a story and never want to leave. I can’t wait to get my hands on her next novel.
I will be honest, I read this book start to finish in one day. There were parts where I just couldn’t stop reading because I wanted to know what would happen. I really enjoyed reading the storyline and getting to know Olly and Maddy. I definitely wish that when I was 18 years old I knew a boy like Olly! Although I have to say that is one criticism that I have of this book, I don’t believe that boy’s like Olly actually exist at the age of 18 years old! He was so sweet, thoughtful, sure of himself and his love for Maddy, and very mature. So I struggled to read the book and relate to a world in which a character like Olly would exist.
Other than that I loved the storyline and the author’s writing. Maddy was funny and quirky and relatable. I did wonder which direction the story would go, I wouldn’t say it was predictable, but I wasn’t sure whether it would have a happy or sad ending. There seemed to be only two ways for the book to end. And I will say that when I read the last part of the book I was actually disappointed there wasn’t more to the story of Olly and Maddy. I was left wanting more!
Definitely worth reading if you like sweet YA love stories.
I have read many books in my 23 years of life. And I am those type of people who fall head over heels in love with certain books. This is one of them. The writing is beautiful, you fall in love with the characters in this book and honestly, I just could not put this book down. Throughout my day I could not wait until I reunited with this story,
You have to read this book, it will definitely change the way you see and appreciate things.
Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)
Everything, Everything is similar to Recovery Road in terms of format. It is setup like a diary, though unlike Recovery Road it has pictures, and each would be chapter is short. However, with a movie coming up this August, starring Amandla Stenberg and Anika Noni Rose, you know I couldn’t resist. Though, let me tell you, this is by no means the best YA novel I’ve ever read.
Characters & Storyline
Since she was a baby, Madeline hasn’t left her house. Her mother, a doctor, has diagnosed her with SCIDs (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency) after her getting gravely ill as a baby. What this basically does is turn her into a bubble child (Think Jake Gyllenhaal’s Bubby Boy). Which, if you saw the movie, you’ll remember means a lot of remodeling of the family home in order to accommodate the disease. So, with some money Maddy’s mom came into, she is able to redo the house to keep Maddy healthy.
Thus leading to, for more than 15 some odd years, the only people Maddy interacting with being her mom and nurse Carla. However, then comes Olly, a boy who moves in next door. His curiosity, his being new to the area, draws him to the cute girl who just watches people from the window. So, thanks to a bit of perseverance, and Maddy’s own curiosity, they become friends and so blooms the desire to become something more. But is that possible when Maddy can’t do things normal girls do? Will Olly, considering his family situation, as well as the ability to meet tons of girls at school, really give him the time to deal with the frustration which is having to adjust his life to meet the requirements of what he needs to do just to see Maddy? Well…
Maddy and Olly’s Relationship Is Adorable
No matter what the YA novel is, pretty much it is the relationships and/or the friendships, that keep you interested. Especially in books like these which don’t have their lead with some serious sort of affliction which can give the reader a quick shock or scare. So, it makes it where as you read Maddy meeting and getting to know Olly, it is very cute. After all, once you take into account how isolated Maddy has been, and this is probably one of the few boys her age she has had the chance to interact with, it makes you a bit nostalgic.
This is, of course, assuming you are my age, nearly a decade away from Maddy’s, and reading her talk about the butterflies and how being within a couple of feet from someone you are into makes the hairs on your arms stand. All of it, truly, reminds you of what it was like to be young and have a full-fledged, it could happen, type of crush. The kind you dream about and so much more.
It’s Not Too Heavy or Sensationalized
I think I’m not alone in saying that the YA novel genre has become saturated with drug addiction, accidental deaths, various kinds of abuse, and with that it makes books which don’t include that seem tame. Heck, they seem boring in comparison. For, after all, books are about escapism, going into someone else’s world, usually more interesting than yours, and getting away. Yet, at the same time, books are also about finding someone, or something, to relate to, despite your difference.
Maddy’s life is bare. She has her mom, Carla, and a computer she strangely only does school work on. Even when Olly enters her life, there is nothing sensationalized about their relationship. He isn’t some bad boy she is trying to save nor is he just some curious dude who is bored.
In a lot of ways, Everything, Everything reminds you that storytelling, and coming of age, isn’t just about having sex for the first time, your first drink, your first smoke, or what often are considered things that adults do. It’s about experiencing life with the only influence your parents having is how they live by example and you deciding what to, or not to, take from that. Which includes how you handle being offered sex, drugs, and etc., as well as how you handle tragedy, how you are as a friend or partner when that other person is hurting and more.
Overall Mixed (Borrow)
While I really have nothing but praise for Everything, Everything here is the thing. It’s not for everyone. This book isn’t about escapism but providing perhaps a character to relate to. Hence why Maddy is Black and Asian, just like Nicola Yoon’s children will be. This book, in a way, is about breaking the mold, not giving in to the need for sudden shocks and the usual beliefs of what teens get themselves, and each other, into. This book is for those who may have issues with their parents, maybe never been kissed, but nonetheless are completely normal. With that, as much as the book has quotable lines up the ying yang, it doesn’t really bring me to say you should buy it nor can I strongly recommend it. It’s a quick read which won’t be taxing on your time and emotions but with it just being cute, even with Maddy’s diagnosis, it doesn’t come up with ways to make you wanna read this over and over again. As much as we get to know Maddy and Olly, as well as their friends and family, they don’t leave a strong impression for they are so normal that, minus or plus one or two things, you probably already know someone like them.
Hence the Mixed (Borrow) label for while those prepping for the movie I think may enjoy the insight, and surely will look forward to certain moments in the movie, I think on its own Everything, Everything may do things differently, but not in such a way it becomes exemplary.
So good, I couldn't put it down! I saw the twist coming, but I'm still really glad it ended that way. I haven't read anything like this before and I LOVED it! I can't wait to see what Nicola Yoon comes out with next. It'll be an autobuy from me.

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