No Human Involved Barbara Seranella 9780061013614 Books

No Human Involved Barbara Seranella 9780061013614 Books
I got this for free in the Kindle edition recently.It is a pretty good read. A little dated but I did not really notice much until the book mentioned cops with revolvers. It is set in the late 70s in CA.
It appears to be a reissue in ebook form of an author who died in 2007, at least according to a Wikipedia entry I ran across.
It tells the story of a junkie hooker (Munch) and a detective sgt who cross paths. The hooker has decided to turn her life around so stops the drugs and gets a job as an auto mechanic after she shoots her father who is pimping her.
The detective is investigating what ends up being a series of vicious murders of hookers, and somehow Munch is mixed up in it.
The story is a pretty good read as police procedure books go. It is not a genre I read a whole lot.
There is a vicious biker gang involved and various secondary characters like the probation officer assigned to Munch who becomes the detective's GF. I never said it was especially plausible, just good reading.

Tags : No Human Involved [Barbara Seranella] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Hoping to start over after kicking a heroin addiction, Munch Mancini flees Venice Beach when she becomes a suspect in the shooting death of her abusive father,Barbara Seranella,No Human Involved,Harpercollins,0061013617,Mancini, Munch (Fictitious character),Mystery fiction,Recovering addicts,Venice (Los Angeles, Calif.),Women detectives - California - Los Angeles,Crime & Thriller,Crime & mystery,Fiction,Fiction - Mystery Detective,Fiction Mystery & Detective Women Sleuths,Mystery & Detective - Women Sleuths,MysterySuspense
No Human Involved Barbara Seranella 9780061013614 Books Reviews
I know this series series focuses on Munch Mancini, but I didn't when I read it. I thought the series was about Detective St. John, and to be honest, I read it because it seemed like it would be an interesting crime novel.
Munch has an insane past which you get filled in on along the way, making her relatable to many different kinds of people.
However, the title seems to be taken from one of St. John's ideas that hardcore criminals are not real people at all. I enjoyed this idea, but it did make me feel that he was the main character and that Munch was the secondary character.
No matter who the novel was intent on focusing on, it is still a fantastic and interesting read.
The heroine has been forced into prostitution by her father, raped by just about any scumbag she's met in bad bars, and happens to be an excellent auto mechanic. The detective who traces down her, as she is 'a person of interest' in the death of her horrible father, is well characterized, as are most of the characters. The plot is somewhat predictable, with major twists and turns, and she survives lots of things, including drug addiction, terrible upbringing, poor education and a lack of vision about acts and consequences. Place descriptions are excellent and historically accurate, Events take place in the early 1970's in Venice, a Los Angeles suburb.
I can't believe that this is a first novel for this author.
I lived on my boat in Marina del Rey for 17 years, right next to Venice Beach, from 1967-'84, and I relived so much of what and where Ms Seranella's story took place. The geography has change/evolved since then, but her scenes are "dead" on for that time period. (Not that most readers would even care about the actual geography, but this goes to show that this author is meticulous about all that is taking place throughout her story.)
I do hope that she brings back detective Mace St. John. Such a real character to add to the novel.
I am so happy to find a story teller who actually THINKS before attempting to sell a story.
Thank you, Barbara Seranella; and thank you for bringing us this fun reading. I'm looking forward to reading her next book.
This is the first "novice" book I've read in a while that had it all. An original story, great dialogue, well-fleshed characters, specific details, hang-on suspense, and a pinch of humor here and there. Author Seranella took me back to the Seventies and Los Angeles with a keen sense of deja vu. I enjoyed every minute of this fast read (only a few hours for this one) and recommend it to those mystery readers looking for a strong, gutsy female lead. I also liked Munch's detective protagonist, Mace St. John.
Although there were a few erroneous facts (C'mon, Mace) and implausible situations, this novel kept my interest and was too well written and smooth flowing to discredit for minor faux pas.
I applaud Barbara Seranella for this extraordinary debut novel.
The main character, Munch, starts off as totally unlikable. She seems to have nothing going for her except her smart mouth. As she tries to recover from a drug habit, you find out more about her life and how she ended up where she did. Several scenes at the church and at the diner made me cry when it showed she had never had anyone show her love or respect. By the end of the story I was rooting for her. I plan to read the rest of the series.
Munch is an ex-drug addict, prostitute, biker broad, and did anything to feed her habit 21 year old running from the police. While hiding from police and trying to go straight, she gets a job at a garage and gets accused of more than one murder. Munch gets away from detective Mace St. John, but then tries to help him solve the murders. The characters are written well and the plots are well thought-out and action-packed.
I first read NO HUMAN INVOLVED, the debut novel in the Munch Mancini series, when it was released. Munch quickly became one of my favorite literary characters, real and gritty, and displaying amazing courage in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds just to get through another day. I went on to read the entire series, and was thrilled to meet author Barbara Seranella at one of the L.A. Times Festival of Books events, to have her sign a book for me, and to chat about the series.
Recently I downloaded NO HUMAN INVOLVED onto my kindle, and re-read it. Not only does Munch and her story stand the test of time, but I realized the 1970’s L.A. setting is almost a historical perspective now, sharing glimpses into the era when environmental issues were starting to come to light, the freeway drive from Venice to the San Fernando Valley was measured in miles and minutes rather than traffic/cig alert time, and everyone carried cigarettes, rather than cell phones.
NO HUMAN INVOLVED is a gripping and memorable novel, and I recommend it highly.
I got this for free in the edition recently.
It is a pretty good read. A little dated but I did not really notice much until the book mentioned cops with revolvers. It is set in the late 70s in CA.
It appears to be a reissue in ebook form of an author who died in 2007, at least according to a Wikipedia entry I ran across.
It tells the story of a junkie hooker (Munch) and a detective sgt who cross paths. The hooker has decided to turn her life around so stops the drugs and gets a job as an auto mechanic after she shoots her father who is pimping her.
The detective is investigating what ends up being a series of vicious murders of hookers, and somehow Munch is mixed up in it.
The story is a pretty good read as police procedure books go. It is not a genre I read a whole lot.
There is a vicious biker gang involved and various secondary characters like the probation officer assigned to Munch who becomes the detective's GF. I never said it was especially plausible, just good reading.

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