Warriors The Untold Stories Warriors Novella Erin Hunter Wayne McLoughlin 9780062232922 Books

Warriors The Untold Stories Warriors Novella Erin Hunter Wayne McLoughlin 9780062232922 Books
I thought this book was amazing! I loved the idea of a flood, and how the clans had to survive well inside of the flood. It was the most perfect idea, only a couple thing I thought where "off". Number 1: the series contradicts itself. In Dovewing's silence, Dovewing learns to live without her special senses, while here she tries to get them back in the tunnels. She feels as if she cannot live without them. Also, the 2 books also took place around the same time. 2 events happening at the same time? Also, you would know Bramblestar better than to have a crush on a loner! I mean I may receive hate for this but Bramblestar has it basically set with Squirrelflight! Also, how did Jessy notice their relationship so quickly? In my opinion, the plot was a little rushed like that. Also, why so many kittypets? Most people would have taken their cat with them to leave. Though, the points in the story I thought where interesting was when the apprentice died trying to fetch the stick. It made me so sad! Poor Brackenfur! Also, the stick kept on causing trouble, which put a mischievous spark on the story. When Minty also became reunited with her housfolk, that was happy. The flood after the Dark Forest was also a nice idea, and the opposite of what the cats call "The Long Dry" or something in that category. Overall I loved the story, worth the money, and recommend it to all readers
Tags : Warriors: The Untold Stories (Warriors Novella) [Erin Hunter, Wayne McLoughlin] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <strong>Three thrilling stand-alone novellas from the world of Erin Hunter’s #1 bestselling Warriors series—together in print for the first time!</strong> In this Warriors story collection,Erin Hunter, Wayne McLoughlin,Warriors: The Untold Stories (Warriors Novella),HarperCollins,0062232924,Action & Adventure - General,Animals - Cats,Fantasy & Magic,Adventure and adventurers,Adventure stories,Cats,Cats;Fiction.,Fantasy,Fantasy.,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Grades 4-6,Fiction,JUVENILE FICTION Action & Adventure General,JUVENILE FICTION Animals Cats,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionAnimals - Cats,Middle grade animals; middle grade fantasy; middle grade adventure; cat books; books about cats; wild cats; tween action adventure books; cat books for kids; animal books age 8 to 12; animal books; animal adventure books; erin hunter; warriors stories; warriors short stories; hollyleaf novella; mistystar novella; cloudstar novella,Science fiction (Children's Teenage),Children: Grades 4-6,Science fiction (Children's Teenage)
Warriors The Untold Stories Warriors Novella Erin Hunter Wayne McLoughlin 9780062232922 Books Reviews
To judge any of the Warriors books after the first three six book series, it must be done from the premise that the reader has bought into the Warrior's world. I'm really not sure how someone who hasn't read all or nearly all of the preceding books would see it. Indeed, I don't think anyone who doesn't accept J.R.R. Tolkien's premise, “When an author creates a believable world" what really happens is that the story-maker proves a successful 'sub-creator'. He makes a Secondary World which your mind can enter. Inside it, what he relates is 'true' it accords with the laws of that world. You therefore believe it, while you are, as it were, inside. The moment disbelief arises, the spell is broken; the magic, or rather art, has failed. You are then out in the Primary World again, looking at the little abortive Secondary World from outside.” can truly appreciate the Warriors books.
So, if you are not "into" the Warriors, forget it. If you are, here is my take on Bramblestar's Storm."
It is the most logical and almost perfect continuation of the story following Firestar's death in The Last Hope. Firestar was so much the central character from the very beginning that it almost seemed that his death had to mark the end. But Bramblestar shows the reader that there really is no end, either to the story or life. As this book follows the days after the Great Battle, the truth of this is shown to us with Bramblestar's doubts, choices and the decisions he is called upon to make. In truth, the cats of the Warrior's world are often more human that humans. For the Warriors fan, this is not to be missed.
If, as it may be for some, that the story is getting old, take heart. Bramblestar's Storm provides the "new hope."sthe and this books as
J. R. R. Tolkien
Erin Hunter never fails to delight and enthrall readers of all ages, and didn't fail this time. All the cats and Clans we have come to love and know are again reunited in a continuing saga as the Warrior Cats continue on. Having read these stories since Firestars first venture into the woods, I am so addicted to these beloved books, even though I am a grandmother. I can't waif to pass them on to my grandkids, and great grandkids! One of the best kids books ever... for kids of all ages.
My 10-year-old daughter is a HUGE Warriors fan. She has been a fan for the past two years or so. She has read every book in the series at least two or three times. She also has a number of friends who are fans as well. I like that the books are not just entertaining but she learns from them too. She tells us about different herbs you can find in the wild and what they can be used for. It is a wonderful series of books for her age group.
My 13 year old daughter is addicted to this warrior series. Shes has the whole collection now and cherishes them. She can also use these on her reading test at school for a grade so that is a major plus.
I've been collecting this series since i was in 5th grade and i was so excited to finally get this manga of the series and the other books as well. I definitely recommend this series for anyone.
I thought this book was amazing! I loved the idea of a flood, and how the clans had to survive well inside of the flood. It was the most perfect idea, only a couple thing I thought where "off". Number 1 the series contradicts itself. In Dovewing's silence, Dovewing learns to live without her special senses, while here she tries to get them back in the tunnels. She feels as if she cannot live without them. Also, the 2 books also took place around the same time. 2 events happening at the same time? Also, you would know Bramblestar better than to have a crush on a loner! I mean I may receive hate for this but Bramblestar has it basically set with Squirrelflight! Also, how did Jessy notice their relationship so quickly? In my opinion, the plot was a little rushed like that. Also, why so many kittypets? Most people would have taken their cat with them to leave. Though, the points in the story I thought where interesting was when the apprentice died trying to fetch the stick. It made me so sad! Poor Brackenfur! Also, the stick kept on causing trouble, which put a mischievous spark on the story. When Minty also became reunited with her housfolk, that was happy. The flood after the Dark Forest was also a nice idea, and the opposite of what the cats call "The Long Dry" or something in that category. Overall I loved the story, worth the money, and recommend it to all readers

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