Reached Ally Condie Books

Reached Ally Condie Books
Recommend this series, especially if you liked Hunger Games! I've read the entire series and couldn't put them down! Highly recommended to dystopian series fabs like me!
Tags : Reached (9780525423669): Ally Condie: Books,Ally Condie,Reached,Dutton Books for Young Readers,0525423664,Dystopian,Fantasy - General,Romance - General,Fantasy,Fantasy.,Government, Resistance to,Government, Resistance to;Fiction.,Resistance to government;Fiction.,Action & Adventure - General,Adventure stories (Children's Teenage),Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,allies;fantasy;adventure;romance books;dystopian fiction;fantasy books;tween books for girls ages 11-14;teen fiction books;books for 12 year old girls;books for 13 year old girls;books for 13 year old boys;teen romance books;books for 12 year old boys;teen books for boys;adventure books;books for 14 year old boys;teen books;young adult books;books for teens;teen girl books;ya books;young adult;books for teen girls;teen boy books;teen books for girls;books for teen boys;dystopian;fantasy novels,young adult; fantasy; dystopian fiction; teen books; young adult books; books for teens; fantasy books; ya books; books for teen girls; tween books for girls ages 11-14; romance books; teen books for girls; books for 12 year old girls; teen romance books; books for 12 year old boys; books for 13 year old boys; books for 13 year old girls; teen books for boys; teen fiction books; books for 14 year old boys; fantasy books for teens; young adult fantasy books; adventure; action adventure; books for teen boys,Action & Adventure - General,Fantasy & Magic,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Adventure stories (Children's Teenage)
Reached Ally Condie Books Reviews
Original Review at Belle of the Literati @ [...]
"It's all right to wonder..."
--Ally Condie, Reached
*tear*, thus with Reached brings the final conclusion to the Matched trilogy...*sigh*...I was SO excited to get this book but so sad to see it all end! Isn't that how it always goes with the ends of series? Bittersweet? I loved Matched and Crossed and Reached did not disappoint. The cover stayed with the theme of the first two and I have to say how much I LOVE them. They are so pure and pretty and clean looking, I just LOVE them. AND I received my copy at a signing Ms. Condie did at Anderson's in Naperville, IL so I got to meet her! Yay!! She is seriously like the cutest person ever! So kind, so sweet, and she signed a ton of Matched trilogy posters that are so cool! *Pics at the end of review )
So if you haven't read Matched and Crossed I suggest you go do that now because I will be spoiling them for you in! So we FINALLY have all three main characters perspectives represented in this book. I LOVE THIS! We finally get to hear Xander's voice! It was excellent! We find Cassia working in Central, Ky is flying planes for the Rising with Indie and Xander is working in Camas as a physic when a plague breaks out. The main focus of the novel is finding a cure for this plague. Each character in the beginning is separately doing their part to help the Rising overtake the Society...I cannot say anything more plot-wise because I do not want to ruin anything for you.
I am slightly biased being a nurse but I LOVED the medical aspect of this book. The plague, the cure research, the explanation of the physiological aspect of the disease, I just loved it! And I love how all the characters we have learned about and love develop and start to really make their way in the world. These are not the naive teenagers we met in Matched. These are strong, independent and fierce adults making tough decisions for themselves and the ones they love.
The alternating viewpoints of the characters make you want to keep reading because you are always wanting to see whose point of view you get insight into next. The teamwork that Xander, Cassia and Ky have is beautiful. They really make a great team and make up a third of a complete circle. I feel like Xander really got the shaft in the last book so to see him so much in the forefront of this story was amazing.
The plot continued to surprise me at every turn. I thought I knew where the story was going and that we already knew everything...oh but we didn't. While each book ties and flows into one another I feel like each book has its own distinctive feel and voice unto itself. I think this is so cool. There were things that happened and revealed in Reached that I hadn't thought about since Matched so it was all that more surprising and revealing. LOVE!
I have heard of other people express disappointment in this series and I can't help but disagree. While there are holes in the world building and the political aspect of this series is not the strongest and wrapped up a little too neatly very soon in the beginning, what I love about Matched is that the dystopia is more on the periphery of the story. These books are about the people. The emotional journey of the characters is the main drive of these novels and I find this to be very different than a lot of dystopians out there. The human condition is explored so much in this last novel that you really get to know the emotional depth of the characters; their thoughts, their fears, their hopes, their dreams for the future; everything! While there is so much is going on in the Society, I really like how the book focuses more on the characters' reactions to the events rather than the specific events themselves.
With that said, the emotional turmoil all the characters go through all felt so real. The ending and conclusion to their journey was perfect. The story wrapped up excellently and there were no holes left at the end for readers to ponder, which I am sure any reader of any series can fully appreciate ) I am so sad to see their stories end! I seriously cannot believe I just finished the final book! So sad! But happy...emotions are in a whirlwind! *tear* But seriously, I loved reading Matched but I am still in a little bit of shock that it is all over...guess I can always read it again )
(MINOR) Spoilers ahead!
Oh my gosh there are so many triangles in this book! Too many. Everyone has someone else. Just when you think "nah man. She's totally available" BAM! NO SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE! It was weird.
I hate Ky. Yeah. I said it. I hate him. I just needed to get that off my chest. My hate started in the last book.... "my mother taught me this" "my uncle taught me that". You just know everything don't you? And now you know how to fly a plane! Because flying a plane is SO EASY! Ugh, no. It was super annoying. Super flat.
I didn't mind Cassia. Mostly because I loved her connection to the archivists (yes, yes I -know-). And her creations. I believe her actions were rebellion at their finest. Creation and writing and music are often at the heart of change (or rebellion as it were). They're a mark that things are not okay or that things can change. They held ideas. They held culture and meaning. From the Irish river dance to, well really any kind of writing (Declaration of independence, etc).
I rooted for Xander/Cassia the entire book. Well, until Lei showed up. Then I shipped them. I actually really liked Xander. He's smart. He's calculating. He's selfless (sort of). He cares. I'm still not sure how his love of games transfers to his profession but hey, I'm not sure if that matters. If I were Cassia, I would have chosen him! Only one thing...the day he knew she took the red pill because everyone took it (from last book, I think?) Is never explained. What. Happened. I would like to know.
Indie annoyed me as flat-ish characters tend to. Like, what is her obsession with the guys interested in Cassia. Is it that they're unavailable? No, but seriously. In terms of the story, what is the point of it? Did it drive the plot? Did it make her character more complex? Did it make Xander and/or Ky's storyline(s) more complex? No? Was it just to make another freaking triangle? Yes. (Though Tbh, I shipped Indie/Ky out of pure spite at one point. I hated them both. They should be in love. Very fitting.).
My unpopular opinion of this book...I liked that the three main characters were separated. It showed the different aspects of the rebellion/Rising. And, AND how the three of them weren't truly committed to it all the time (Xander's adherence toward Geelong PEOPLE not just the cause, Cassia's creations, and Ky's distrust of everything). All of this coupled with the fact that I hated Ky and Cassia when they were together. Stupid Ky. (You could say I liked chapter 52. Well, yeah actually. I liked -that-plotline. It made him a little more complex.)
The ending was too... clean. "Oh hey some people died. We're still looking for others. But everyone's together and just fine D"
The world was intriguing but I would have liked to know a lot more about it. It felt a little like she was making it up as she was going along.
Overall, aspects of the story were boring. Still though, it was an interesting read.
Recommend this series, especially if you liked Hunger Games! I've read the entire series and couldn't put them down! Highly recommended to dystopian series fabs like me!

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